



Heart • courage • Curiosity • Community •

The Secret to an ARTIST’s Longevity is…

  • Heart

    Each role that I’ve had the joy of embodying has taken with them a piece of my Heart and has always left me with a piece of theirs.

    The Key? - The Vulnerability to be willing to lose, to gain.

  • Courage

    It takes tremendous Courage to offer up your experience to an empty space. But with Safe Boundaries and a deep sense of self-awareness, we can create a Safe Space to thrive.

  • Curiosity

    Curiosity. Curiosity. Curiosity.

    With an infinitesimal number of Stories to be Heard, why would you ever want to stop at yours?

  • Community

    An Artist cannot exist in isolation.

    We’re social creatures that exist in a shared imagination of Hope and Ideals; and that world is only as rich as its inhabitants.

1:1  Acting and Voice Sessions

One-on-One Acting and Voice Sessions are adapted according to the Artist’s needs with a variety of Techniques put into play in order to gain the necessary insight into the roles being explored.

Sessions can be used to explore any of the following areas amongst others.

  • One-on-One VOICE SESSIONS to help develop Range and Authenticity of Expression (training based on the Linklater Progression of Exercises)

  • AUDITION PREP and SELF-TAPING services for Local and International Projects

  • AUDITION PREP and SELF-TAPING services for Young Artists aiming to audition for International Drama Schools

  • SCENE-STUDY and SKILL SHARPENING: Texts can be chosen from Stage or Film, Contemporary or Classic (for both Professional and Upcoming Actors)

  • Career Development Recommendations for Young Actors.


  • PRICING is set at Eu35/hr for 1:1 Sessions.

  • However, concessions are made if students commit to 10 sessions or more.

what did students have to say?

I realized that I was speaking and even singing or performing with less effort. I had much more freedom. And that freedom came from letting go.
— Matthew Caruana Bond, ACTOR (10-Week Linklater Voice Course)
I found that I could rely on [Erica]. I felt that there was a really safe space created and I realized that, with her guidance, in that moment, I could work through [my tensions]. That safe space was really important.
— Sara Gauci PERFORMER, DRAMA TEACHER & STAGE MANAGER (10-week Linklater Voice Course)